Small lot. BIG, personality.
ZSA ZSA Property was engaged to sell the Big Black, after previously and successfully selling the owner/designer’s neighbouring property.
Designed by an Architectural Sociologist with the end goal of achieving a striking, endless and intimate experience while maintaining simplicity. The Big Black was designed using an array of spatial-psychological theory.
The result: After a strong digital campaign and creative collaboration with it’s power couple vendors, we found the perfect family to suit this black beauty, and at a price above local expectations.

ZSA ZSA has successfully sold two properties on our behalf and we felt there were no other agents that could compare. Besides a great outcome both times, ZSA ZSA held each sale from start to finish impeccably – always educating and informing to justify the approach to market. As clients, the process was assuring and positive all round.Jack TooleyBA Int. Arch. (Hons 1), MPhil. Arch., Ph.D. Cand.